When we pray, it should be with confidence that if God did not spare giving Jesus to die for us, there is nothing else that Heaven will not grant.
When we pray, it should be with confidence that if God did not spare giving Jesus to die for us, there is nothing else that Heaven will not grant.
When He cried, “It is finished”, the age-long problem of sin that plagued mankind was dealt with.
Focus saved me from dabbling into things that were of no consequence to me at that time.
Joshua who was our text case of lasting leader yesterday reportedly conquered 31 territories. I believe that those conquests were possible because he had first conquered the greed in him.
Lasting leaders are those who know the beauty of prioritizing the welfare of the people they lead.
When we grow up, there are things we will not need to pray for before the Father will give them to us.
Through careful observation of emerging events and attentive listening to the Spirit, we can know that the time has come.
When this promise shall be fully realised, we shall not only be partakers of His divine nature, we shall also bask in the glory of divine presence.
This agrees with God’s ultimate purpose of giving the promises to begin with, which is partaking of divine nature.
The real purpose behind the promises of God is contained in our text – to put on divine nature.