Just before anyone is carried away with the promise of greatness, it is important to state that God does not do a thing without a purpose.
Just before anyone is carried away with the promise of greatness, it is important to state that God does not do a thing without a purpose.
Having God as our principal partner will surely be a game changer. Jacob’s experience proved this.
We are better off if, when we hear His voice either through nature or mature counsel of a trusted friend, we receive it with listening ears.
Whereas prayer quenched fire in some instance, in other instances prayer actually brought down the fire of the Lord. Spiritual fire service is regulated by prayer.
The subject of deliverance is also double-edged. There are basically two forms of deliverance. The first is the type you carry out by yourself and on yourself.
Your offerings should come regularly, not as in paying for His favours, but as expression of gratitude. In addition your daily life should sing His praise.
Another important lesson to learn from both lives is divine rating. They both had their rating done by God.
God’s ultimate plan is to instill in us divine nature. In conforming us to the image of His Son, God will leave no stone unturned, even if that would mean putting us in difficult situations.
No one can serve God and mammon together. If we take care of this and other dangers associated with possessions, it can be a great means to serve God and minister to the needs of the hungry and the homeless.