Every little while, we should engage in “net washing”, no matter our calling or vocation. The idea is to sit down to find out what hasn’t worked and why.
Every little while, we should engage in “net washing”, no matter our calling or vocation. The idea is to sit down to find out what hasn’t worked and why.
Apostle Paul spoke of having in his body the marks of the Lord Jesus. What exactly does that mean? Some might think he was referring to the hand or calling of the Lord upon him.
This seemingly little group had enough influence to pollute the entire landscape, a pointer to that Scripture that a little leaven can leaven the whole lump.
Our reward is tied to due season. Incidentally, it is only God who controls the seasons and knows who is due for reward.
We are required to call on the Lord for things we do not know. Prayer is a pre-condition for gaining access into the hidden things of God.
A path to a better tomorrow was created over 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ came. It wasn’t just a path to a better tomorrow, it is equally a path to a blissful eternity.
The will for performance begins from affirmative declaration. No one can rise beyond the level of their words.
We must be wary of reading in-between the lines; and when we are in doubt it is good to ask questions.