Sometime in March this year, Firstlove Assembly, Rumuokwuta, Port Harcourt, organised Financial Empowerment Seminar. Most speakers agreed that the foundation of a solid financial future is having sources of legitimate earning today. During question and answer session, someone asked how to deal with an issue that often comes up during recruitment exercise – experience. Most employers often ask for some years of experience. This could be a tough ask for fresh graduates. An innovative answer that one of the facilitators recommended is to serve as volunteer hands wherever possible.
“Inexperience does not disqualify us from doing mighty things. What is more crucial is an open heart. As far as we remain humble before God, He will show us the way, one step at a time.”
Experience counts for a great deal in the business world. However, something counts better when we are dealing with the things of God. In our text, when Saul told David that he could not fight Goliath “for thou art but a youth”, he meant he had no experience. His opponent had many years of experience, from his youth. It is interesting to know that God does not only use the experienced people. Without experience, David went and took Goliath out of the way, and liberated the land of Israel. Inexperience does not disqualify us from doing mighty things. What is more crucial is an open heart. As far as we remain humble before God, He will show us the way, one step at a time. One proof of a humble heart is being teachable.