What are the works of the unclean spirits? This question is valid for one reason. Although they are known as unclean, they are not unclear about their mission. By nature, unclean spirits are the exact opposite of the angels of God. So if we know how angels operate and what they are cut out to do, we can, by flipping the coin, know how demons operate and what they do. The Scripture is clear on the fact that angels are ministering spirits; they are sent out to give helping hands to the believers. So, what do you think demons are out there doing? To resist believers, of course. They like to cause pains for children of God and stir up trouble. They mount roadblocks on the path of believers to cause delays or stop them altogether.
“When you learn to periodically rid your environment of every hibernating demon, you will enjoy more rest and peace of mind.”
Delays may not be unconnected to interferences from demonic forces. Daniel was praying at a time, and fasting too. He had no clues on what he was praying about until 21 days had passed. It was only then that angel Gabriel informed him of a roadblock mounted in the realm of the spirit. That was the reason for the delay; otherwise the prayer was heard the first day of his prayer. We should be conscious of the presence of devils; but not that we should fear them. God’s word has already given us the tool to deal with them – you can cast them out. When you learn to periodically rid your environment of every hibernating demon, you will enjoy more rest and peace of mind.