Jesus told many parables to illustrate His teachings about the Kingdom of God. One of the outstanding ones was the parable of the wheat and the tares. A man sowed wheat in his field but it was soon intertwined with weeds. The servants of the farm owner wondered how the field was corrupted with tares; to which he responded, “An enemy hath done this”. We can use this parable in part to explain our text for today. Long before Jesus showed up on the earth the devil had been calling the shots in many lives. What the enemy had done in mankind is what Jesus, our Friend, came to undo.
“Employing spiritual authority will keep the devil at bay. By constantly yielding to the Holy Spirit, we can live clean, holy, and pleasing to God…we can live beyond the reach of Satan.“
In specific terms, what are the works of the devil? The principal work is sin. Every other evil is nothing but a byproduct of the venom of sin. By His death on Calvary’s tree, Jesus wrested power from sin. For those who put their faith in Him they can boldly assert, “Sin shall not have dominion over me”. We are no longer under obligation to serve sin with our members. In our previous meditation, we learned how to live in peace of mind, by curtailing the devils in the name of the Lord. In other words, employing spiritual authority will keep the devil at bay. There is a note to add to that. By constantly yielding to the Holy Spirit, we can live clean, holy, and pleasing to God. To this extent too, we can live beyond the reach of Satan.