Arguably, one of the ministries that played pioneering role in putting Nigerian churches on the world stage is the Deeper Life Bible Church under the oversight of Pastor W. F. Kumuyi. However, the ministry literally passed through the crucible to attain that enviable position, another proof that greatness is not attained in a hurry or without risks. Two things particularly proved difficult at the initial stage. Firstly, the strong emphasis on holiness with some constricted pattern of living for members. This caused the public to wag their tongues. Secondly, the transmutation from loose fellowship to a mainline denomination contrary to initial vision cast made some to accuse the leadership of insincerity. Even some of their leaders left at that point. When taken to task about what some perceived to be deception, Pastor Kumuyi defended himself that what he said at the beginning was the reflection of the light he had then. Moreover, unfolding events dictated that a full-scale church was the reasonable thing to do.
“Whatever vision we hold today might just be the tip of the iceberg. God may have something much bigger for the future.”
Apostle Paul noted that both our current level of knowledge and prophesying are in part. It is for this reason that we learn never to say never. Smarting from the Deeper Life experience, I am always eager to caution young ministers when they inaugurate their Para-church ministry, never to be so assertive that they would not venture into church planting. God is the one who calls, and He is at liberty to expand the vision to any direction anytime. Whatever vision we hold today might just be the tip of the iceberg. God may have something much bigger for the future. Openness and flexibility must therefore be the watchword.