General William Booth lived from April 10, 1829 to August 20, 1912. His evangelistic efforts led to the founding of the Salvation Army, an organisation based on six key pillars. He once said, “I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell.” William Booth was correct, and frighteningly so. We now have a generation who see Christianity as hip-hop culture complete with its street fashion, music and language. They proudly identify themselves as the “woke” generation and question everything that we know about historic Christianity. They talk of “going deep’’ but are an example of those who the Bible regards as having the form of godliness but deny the power thereof.
“Those who are soldering on with the changeless gospel of the cross must never be discouraged by the growth and popularity of what is clearly “another gospel”.”
Given their ever-growing number, the tendency to think that they are okay is high. Those who are soldering on with the changeless gospel of the cross must never be discouraged by the growth and popularity of what is clearly “another gospel”. God has never used popularity as a barometer for truth. The age predicted by William Booth is here with us, and it is synonymous with the last days. How do we mitigate the dangers of this time? By remaining instant in the Spirit and holding the word of God with absolute simplicity and sincerity.