The journey from Uyo to the border of Port Harcourt city was barely two hours; but it took about an hour to drive from the border to my office. The various constructions going on meant endless diversions. At some point the driver turned on the GPS. However, since the driver and I have a fair grasp of the road network in the city, we flouted the instructions of the GPS many times. Every time we drove contrary to the suggested route, it would re-calculate with a view to bringing us back on course. Then we would head a different direction again. After a while, I began to reason that if it was a human being we were disobeying repeatedly that way, we would have angered him or her. Then I remembered the Holy Spirit, and the scripture for meditation today dropped in my spirit.
“The Spirit is not a feeling; He is real…To keep grieving the Spirit is to get Him minimize His ministries in our lives.”
The scripture brings to light a number of things about the Holy Spirit. We understand that we are sealed by Him. That is like making a down payment for something to be carried at a later date. When God sent the Spirit, it is to establish the fact that we are His, and will one day complete our redemption by bringing us to Himself. Again, given the fact that we are warned not to grieve Him is a clear indication that the Spirit is a distinct personality, having emotions. The Spirit is not a feeling; He is real. Now, how do we guide against getting Him angry? The straight answer is to follow His leading. If we treat the Holy Spirit the way the driver and I treated the GPS, always imposing our way over His, we will end up grieving Him. To keep grieving the Spirit is to get Him minimize His ministries in our lives.