Psychologists talk a lot about separation anxiety. This is the usual feeling of anxiety that a child feels when he or she hears goodbye from the mother. It may be expressed in anger, crying, or some other ways. It is generally regarded as a normal road mark in the development of a child. However, when it is becoming unduly long and the child is yet to come off it, they refer to it as SEPARATION ANXIETY DISORDER. Curiously, it seems that most people retain their separation anxiety well into adulthood. They fear people leaving them at some point. Some employers, including ministers of the gospel, are so afraid people might leave that they bring their employees under oaths! One minister of the gospel took his worry about people leaving him to Dr. Lester Sumrall before he died. The old man simply asked the young minister a couple of questions. ‘Did people leave Jesus?” Sumrall asked. ‘’Yes’’ the minister said. ‘’Did they leave Paul’’, Sumrall further asked, to which the man responded in the affirmative. Finally, Sumrall asked, ‘’Are you better than Jesus and Paul?” That sealed it for the anxious minister.
“If people leave you it can be a momentary setback, but if God leaves you it is a disaster. The only company you cannot afford to lose in life is that of God…So when all else leave but God remains with you, you retain the winning majority.”
Whether in ministry, business or even fraternal relationships, people will sometimes exit your life. That may hurt sometimes, but that is not the greatest ill that can befall you. In one of my quotable quotes, I observed that if men leave you, it may hurt; but if God leaves you it will destroy you. Again, if people leave you it can be a momentary setback, but if God leaves you it is a disaster. If people leave you, know that you are in good company; they left Jesus too. The only company you cannot afford to lose in life is that of God. Jesus never promised that people will never leave or forsake you; He is the one who promised never to abandon you. So when all else leave but God remains with you, you retain the winning majority.