There are several instances where encouragement becomes necessary. It could be at a time when one is on the verge of a breakthrough. What encouragement does at such moments is to supply the momentum to keep at it. Some other times, it is even at the peak of achievement that encouragement is necessary. We all know how easy it is to slip back into complacency after a victory. When not sustained, a victory becomes the seed of future failure. Of course, encouragement is most needed when one has taken a beating in any venture. It was in this context that our text is relevant. Joab had just suffered some casualties in battle. Though Uriah was the prime man set up as a scapegoat, some men died along with him. David had to send the messenger to Joab to “encourage him”.
” The need for encouragement is universal…The point here is that encouragement does not have to be from top to bottom; it can be from the bottom up. God is at liberty to use anyone or anything to encourage us.”
The need for encouragement is universal. No matter your status or level of achievement, times will come when you will need someone to spur you on. Imagine that Joab was a general in the army, and needed to be encouraged. By nature of their training, soldiers are toughened to endure the severest of conditions. Yet being human they have to be encouraged. Should you find yourself feeling low, know that it is a normal human experience. Moreover, such a condition is not permanent if the right person comes along. There is one final word to consider. It was someone in the rank and file, a man whose name was not mentioned, that had the task of encouraging a general. The point here is that encouragement does not have to be from top to bottom; it can be from the bottom up. God is at liberty to use anyone or anything to encourage us.