Before my second son, Praise, went for postgraduate studies, he occasionally served as my unofficial driver. One day we were travelling and needed to fill the tank. He pulled up at a station and I gave him my ATM card to make payment. He inputted the pin without asking me because he already knew it, having used it on previous occasions. The attendant was surprised that he had access to my card and the pin. He casually remarked that if he had access to his father’s card and pin, he would sweep clean the account. Well, I thought to myself that that was the reason he would not have access to it. I was confident that my son would not hurt me with the sensitive information at his disposal.
“Prayer is proof of belief in the existence of God and His ability to work things to our advantage.”
I recalled that story to point out another essential ingredient to walking with God – trust. Those who trust God are not afraid to commit everything to Him, because they know that they would not be hurt in the process. God is too loving and good to hurt those who trust Him. He is busy promoting the well-being of those who have made Him their hiding place, so they have no occasion to fear. Let us identify at least two manifestations of trust. Those who trust God are willing to obey Him. Obedience is proof of trust. Abraham trusted God to bring Isaac from the dead, so he went ahead to offer his son when God demanded him. Our text shows another proof of trust – prayer. Prayer is proof of belief in the existence of God and His ability to work things to our advantage.