In the early days of my Christian development, one of the materials in my library was Matthew Henry’s Commentary of the Bible. The work was first published more than two hundred and fifty years ago, appearing in different editions. Concerning the commentary, Charles Spurgeon who was popularly known as the prince of preachers said, ‘’Suitable to everybody, instructive to all.’’ He went on to recommend that every minister of the gospel should read through the commentary at least once in their lifetime. Though Matthew Henry was known to be physically weak, that was well compensated for by his intellect and character. He poured himself into the study of God’s word and left for Christians of all generation a treasury of divine knowledge.
“God’s word is God’s will and ways. The more we search it, the more enlightened we become in divine path. We are to lay aside every distraction that tends to shift our focus from the word of life.”
Matthew Henry once warned fellow pastors. ‘’Take heed of growing remiss in your work,’’ he counselled. ‘’Take pains while you live….The Scripture still affords new things, to those who search them.’’ His advice followed on the heels of what Jesus said to the people. He charged them to search the scriptures, because through that a revelation of His person will dawn in their hearts. There remains no better way of knowing the Lord apart from His word. God’s word is God’s will and ways. The more we search it, the more enlightened we become in divine path. If we fail at searching the word, we will surely fail at walking closely with the Lord. We are to lay aside every distraction that tends to shift our focus from the word of life.