God’s word is medicinal not only for the soul, but also for the body and every other areas of man’s need. The potency of the word, however, depends on application according to prescription. A pastoral associate of mine once worked with a multinational company whose interests spread into pharmaceuticals. Their company launched a product after series of research and clinical trials that proved successful. However, doctors complained that patients were not posting impressive results when they applied the drugs. The company decided to conduct an experiment. Two groups of people were involved. One group was given the drugs according to recommended standard; while the other group was given haphazardly. At the end of the exercise it was discovered that those who received treatment according to specification recovered faster and better than those who were treated irregularly. The problem was not with the drug; it was with the application.
It is not in what we have; it is in the application. The word of God holds a promise for those who follow every prescription to the last letter…God’s word will always work for those who work it!
This experiment can help account for the differences between one believer and another, though they read the same Bible and hear the same sermon. It is not in what we have; it is in the application. The word of God holds a promise for those who follow every prescription to the last letter. And it is not just about doing it a while, it is about committing to it as life-time principle. God’s word will always work for those who work it!