The entire spectrum of God’s word is wisdom embedded. However, the place where it is maximally prized is the book of Proverbs. The book details the many blessings that flow to those who imbibe wisdom. All the essential desires of mankind are hitched to wisdom. Issues of wealth, health, and longevity are all treated as by-products of wisdom. It promises her acquaintances crown of glory, which invariably comes to success in endeavours. It is in the light of these blessings that the writer encouraged all and sundry to get wisdom. “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7 NKJV). Though the way to wisdom is not directly addressed after this admonition, we have clues scattered in other parts of the book. For instance, we know that wisdom can be contacted through association. Solomon said, ““He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.” (Proverbs 13:20 NKJV). You cannot circumvent the influence of the people you walk with in close proximity. A deliberate choice to move with the wise grants you access to their wisdom.
You cannot circumvent the influence of the people you walk with in close proximity. A deliberate choice to move with the wise grants you access to their wisdom…God remains the fountain of wisdom.
In our text, James points to another route to wisdom. This time it is through prayer. He encourages anyone destitute of wisdom to ask. The starting point is the realisation that wisdom is lacking. This calls for self-examination rooted in humility. The lack of wisdom is enough a problem; that only gets worse if one does not realize it. Given the frequency of how we get things wrong, I think it is safe to say that we all need wisdom. Either as a starter or someone who has demonstrated some degree of wisdom, we all can make do with more. For either group on the divide, God remains the fountain of wisdom. He is described as the only wise God. We can have the assurance that He will readily give us whatever we ask of Him.