The Greek employs two words for time. The first is Chronos (also spelt Khronos). This refers to the regular movement of the clock as in morning to afternoon. In Greco-Roman mosaics, Chronos is depicted as a man turning the zodiac wheel. The second word for time is Kairos. This refers to the right, critical, or opportune moment. No one has control over Kairos. To this extent, it is important to seize it once it shows up. Felix could not tell the difference between the two. A kairos moment came for him to be saved, but he pushed it away for a more convenient moment. Few things are achievable in life with convenience, not the least salvation of our soul and an intimate walk with God. A dictionary defines the word convenience as that which is close by or does not require much effort. Those who always wait for convenient seasons hardly do much for God or themselves. Felix did not realize this fact, so he failed to seize the moment. As Paul preached on righteousness, temperance, and judgment, he came under a heavy conviction of the Spirit. That’s when he should have turned his life over to God. Rather than do this he dismissed Paul, promising to have him come over again at a “convenient season”. It is doubtful if that season came; at least the Bible never mentioned it.
“Those who always wait for convenient seasons hardly do much for God or themselves. Felix did not realize this fact, so he failed to seize the moment…We are to work with appointed season, not convenient season.”
The Word of God is plain about convenience: A farmer does not base his operations on convenience, he only does what is profitable, even if that will be costly. “If you wait until the wind and the weather are just right, you will never plant anything and never harvest anything” (Ecclesiastes 11:4, GNB). For example, you don’t wait for when it is convenient to pray. You just get right on praying as at when the Spirit quickens you. Again, you don’t wait for when it is convenient to love. Had God waited for convenience before saving us we would have been doomed. We are to work with appointed season, not convenient season.