How important is it for believers to be able to hear God? Among other reasons, it is how we understand our callings. God speaks so we can gain the knowledge of our assignments, what He wants us to do. In addition, the voice of the Lord communicates the right timing of an assignment. The Spirit’s voice that came to them at Antioch was not to reveal assignment. The Lord had called these men and showed them the work they would do before now. The latter voice was to tell them that the time was ripe for execution. Getting the timing right is as critical as the assignment itself. Moving on a task at the wrong time could be disastrous both to the purpose as well as the executors.
Something else is deserving of attention here. People don’t receive their callings the same way. The story of these two men is a good case. Paul’s call was “loud”. It came as he made his journey to Damascus on a self-appointed mission to persecute the Christians. A light shone from heaven, brilliant enough to blind his vision for three days. The audible voice of the Lord came through to him. It was vivid, graphic, and dramatic. However, we have no thread of scripture to know the timing and manner of how God called Barnabas, except to hazard a guess that it was not nearly as dramatic as Paul’s. God can choose whatever method to convey His plans and purposes. The method is not nearly as important as the message. What method He uses can be a function of our disposition.