People have brought countless problems upon themselves by living with the notion that doing whatever they want, especially with their body is their fundamental human right. That’s a lie that is often discovered after irreparable damage has been done. I can still vividly recall the tears drop off her face. Her story and the television footage of her condition moved me to the point of tears. She was brought on a show to talk about the downside of plastic surgery. This woman had had fifteen surgeries, working on her breasts. What began as a simple exercise to enhance beauty turned into a nightmare. The initial attempts led to complications, and surgeons had to put and remove implants routinely. By the last count, she had literally lost the two breasts. She appeared on the show padded, but that could in no way conceal her misery. In her own testimony, she said she dreads looking at herself in the mirror. She experiences constant pain which no pain killer has been able to arrest. That is not to talk of the psychological trauma that has become part of her life. She has just one wish, if only she could have the breasts the way they were before her first adventure into cosmetic surgery!
The Bible makes it plain that our bodies does not belong to us. There is nothing that we own in the real sense of the word. We are trustees of the manifold graces of God. As trustees, it is good to remember that we will account for how we use everything committed to our charge. This is why we cannot do just about anything that appears to be a fad or that tickles our fancy. On a final note, it is good to acknowledge the fact that the beauty which does not fade with time is that of the hidden man of the heart (1 Peter 3:4). This is where we ought to place the emphasis.