When people want to wax stoical about negative words they resort to the saying that hard word breaks no bone. While word breaks no bone they do break heart. Having your bone or heart broken will impact negatively your health. Being subjected to verbal abuse is linked to physical and mental health problems. It is also said that children who suffered from verbal abuse may experience feelings of low esteem as well as difficulty trusting others. What we are saying in effect is that spoken words have power! The words that we speak have consequences. Understandably, Jesus gave more than passing attention to this subject. In Mark 4:24, He warned people to be careful of what they hear. He also made it plain that people will give account not only for what they do but also for what they say. “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned”” (Matthew 12:36-37)
The text before us says pleasant words bring sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. All the diet and exercises of this world cannot help those who expose themselves to negative words and speak in a similar vein. God’s word is clear on this issue: a man is a total of how he speaks. You cannot talk down on yourself and score high on self-esteem. You cannot fill your mouth with words of sicknesses and diseases and have a robust healthy life. Every time you are feeling low in your soul or body, seek out those who will speak positively to you either through life teaching or by proxy. Finally, you also can be a part of God’s medical team as you speak truth and hope to weary people. Lest we forget, no words are as pleasant as the ones spoken by God. His word is like a medicine cabinet. Dare to open it.