Theologians have a term called prevenient grace. This refers to the grace that God releases to a sinner which makes him aware of his need of the Saviour and then leads him to appropriate the grace of salvation. In a layman’s language, we can call it the help before the help! It boils down to saying that we cannot exercise any of the numerous spiritual blessings without divine assistance. The promises of God can only be received through faith. However, as powerful as faith is, we cannot exercise it unless we are divinely enabled. Our faith level often falls short of the required minimum to appropriate divine promises; so God will have to find ways to shore it up. That was the case with Abraham.
It boils down to saying that we cannot exercise any of the numerous spiritual blessings without divine assistance…as powerful as faith is, we cannot exercise it unless we are divinely enabled.
When God asked Abram to look toward heaven and count the stars, He was providing him with visuals to boost his faith. At that point in time, Abraham’s faith was already faltering. He was made to see the stars as a pointer to how numerous his offspring would be. As long as he saw those stars, the promise of God remained fresh to him. That picture became an anchor for his faith. The principles of God never change. You too can build faith picture to represent what God has promised you. It could be something fixed to your dressing mirror or hung in your car. As long as you remain constant in your heart to the promise of God, you will soon have your testimony to share.