God does not only deal with promises but also with time. In order words, when God gives a promise, He has a time frame attached to it. We must appreciate the point that times and seasons belong to God. This was what Jesus meant as He replied to the agitated minds of the disciples who were asking Him for the time when the Kingdom of God would come. He made them to know that time and season are kept wrapped and under the immediate control of the Father. Several times, we are all too eager to hear of the promise without paying attention to time. We forget too easily that all things are only made beautiful in His time.
The knowledge of the approaching time is to help perfect our preparation for what God is about to do.
How do we know when the time for the manifestation of a promise has come? A pregnant woman is typically given an expected day of delivery (EDD). As the day approaches, it is accompanied with certain signs. So it is with the promise of God. When the time of a promise draws close, certain things in our internal and external environments begin to speak. Through careful observation of emerging events and attentive listening to the Spirit, we can know that the time has come. The knowledge of the approaching time is to help perfect our preparation for what God is about to do.