The Discovery Convention of All Nations Christian Ministries, Eket, Nigeria came to a glorious conclusion on September 1, 2024. It marked the 20th anniversary of that wonderful ministry. For a theme, they chose THE GIFT OF MEN. The meeting brought to the fore the indispensable roles of people in our life’s pursuits. Purposes, no matter how divine in origin, are doomed without a buying in from others. Proverbs 29:18 says that where there is no vision, the people perish. An equally valid side is that where there is no people, a vision perishes. Your purpose will require those who can speak you to cheer when you are losing steam. It takes enormous amounts of spiritual supplies to take a purpose off the ground. So you need people who will pray for you. This does not exclude those who will make financial investments into your dreams.
Purposes, no matter how divine in origin, are doomed without a buying in from others…Many have had their purpose come to a standstill because of lack of support.
Not even Jesus executed His purpose without people. Our passage lends credence to this. Jesus’ mission took Him to the cities and the villages. In all of those mission trips, He was surrounded by people. This portion of Scriptures identified those with Him. There were the Apostles. Then there were those women who followed Him and ministered to Him out of their substance. Call this group the financier of His mission. Many have had their purpose come to a standstill because of lack of support. As you pray God to unveil His purpose for you, believe Him also to raise people for you who will be what Aaron and Hur were to Moses.