There is enough Biblical warrant to say that Jesus came to establish the nation of God. This nation is to be created from various nationalities and tongues among those who believe. Our present focus is to examine the characteristics of this nation that Jesus came to found. Before this, it will be refreshing to say that God promised to make Abraham a great nation, and that through him and his seed all the families of the earth will find repose in that one nation. The gospel of Matthew in one stroke of the pen connected the genealogy of Christ to Abraham. “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” (Matthew 1:1). The promise of God to Abraham to make him a great nation is fulfilled in Christ.
“We are to rule by the inspired word of God coming from our mouth. If you are a believer, you are a member of a nation made up of special people.”
The first thing to note about this peculiar people is that it is a nation of kings! In Peter’s description, we are a royal nation. Jesus is called King of kings. We can understand this from the point of view that He is superior to every other power or potentate. We can also have another idea that He is King among other kings. We are those other kings! This interpretation will make sense considering the fact that we are going to reign with Him. What we need to add is that even now we are expected to begin to exercise our kingly anointing, to subject things to the will of God here on earth. We are to rule by the inspired word of God coming from our mouth. If you are a believer, you are a member of a nation made up of special people.