Nagging is a compliment, only in a negative form. It is a leading cause of instability in relationships, particularly marital ones. Nagging could be frustrating; even God found this so. The children of Israel found every ground to complain, and it displeased the Lord. God would rather want them to be grateful. Sure enough, there were enough reasons to show gratitude. They were supernaturally delivered from Egyptian bondage of 400 years. They received miracle bread on a platter. They were shielded from the scorching sun in the desert, and lots more. Despite all these, their compliments to God were only negative. Their complaints provoked God’s anger; and His fire consumed some of them.
Nagging is a compliment, only in a negative form. It is a leading cause of instability in relationships, particularly marital ones.
Everyone of us is liable to the same temptation; and we must fight this tendency. One way to do this is to consider the unwholesome consequence for those who murmur against the Lord. In their case, murmuring destroyed them; but for us though we may be alive physically but that attitude will eat up some aspects of our lives. Think of it in another light: murmuring in itself does not change the condition. If we go by human relationships, that can actually harden someone’s stance against his or her spouse. Finally, to fight the temptation to murmur, consider all the good things God has already done in your life; and give Him thanks.