Over the years in ministry, I have come to appreciate Jesus’ frustration while training His disciples. The disciples manifested greed (as seen when the Zebedee brothers asked for prime seats in the Kingdom). They fought over who would be the greatest. They misunderstood Jesus when taught to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. At some point, Jesus blurted out, “O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to Me.” Mark 9:19 NKJV. When the people you have under your wings are not meeting up, it could be frustrating indeed. The bane of the Church today is immaturity.
A spiritually maturing person is less judgmental and more accommodating… maturing person in the Lord is circumspective in their choices.
It is important to add that maturing individual members of the Church leads to the overall maturity of that Church. A church is no more mature than the aggregate maturity displayed by its members. Some of the traits we see in physically maturing people are also discernible in spiritually maturing individuals. Mature people are less judgmental over time. That much applies to spiritual maturity as well. A spiritually maturing person is less judgmental and more accommodating. He or she has imbibed the admonition of scripture to bear with all men and be forgiving. Also, a maturing person in the Lord is circumspective in their choices. Their intuition has become keener and they make choices that are only in consonance with God’s will.