Apostle Paul dealt exhaustively with the subject of spiritual gifts. As a note of first importance, all of God’s children have gifts. Secondly, the gifts are given according to God’s discretion. Whereas one may desire to operate in a particular gift, the prerogative is God’s to decide. Thirdly, no gift is superior to another. Fourthly, the purpose of the gift is to enable us to minister for the profit of the whole Body. Finally, the extent to which one will prosper with his or her gift is dependent on personal consecration and faithfulness.
Without a doubt, the best way to discover gifts is to ask the Giver through prayer.
It would be tragic to go through life without maximizing one’s gift. However, you cannot put to any reasonable use, much less maximize, what you are yet to acknowledge in the first place. Prospering with our spiritual gifts begins with discovering them. So, how do we uncover our gifts? Sometimes, by chance. You may find yourself rising to the occasion when duty calls, only to discover that you have done things deftly. At other times, the discovery is at the instance of an observer who perceived some grace and could not hide their compliment. Without a doubt, the best way to discover gifts is to ask the Giver through prayer.
Prayer is a catalyst to unlocking the treasure trove of spiritual gifts within us, unleashing a life of purpose, passion, and divine impact!
May God help us to discover His rich deposits in us