There has been a surge in cases of suicide and attempted suicide in recent years. A young lady attempted suicide after she became so depressed. Her suicide note stated unfulfilled dreams, among others, as reasons for wanting to take her life. On the surface, that would suggest that depression and suicidal tendencies are prevalent among struggling and unsuccessful people. However, that is far from the truth. In 2018, Anthony Bourdain committed suicide. Anthony was a chef of international repute. He was the author of Parts Unknown and featured regularly on CNN. He was successful, rich, and famous. Cases like this compel us to take another look at success. Beyond the glitz that many people parade as success, there may be a lot of things eating them up on the inside, subjecting them to a slow, painful death. Before someone commits suicide, there must have been a long case of inner frustration.
We live in the last days, and the Bible predicted that fearful and tearful things will occur. Our safety valve is to stay within the boundaries of God’s grace and love.
Real and lasting success can only be found in the Lord. In reality, we do not achieve or merit this type of success; it is bestowed on us. Good success comes when we first make peace with God by accepting the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. When the burden of sin is taken away, every other thing will fall in place. The moment we settle our eternal destiny in Christ, having much or little, being famous or not so famous will be of secondary importance. We live in the last days, and the Bible predicted that fearful and tearful things will occur. Our safety valve is to stay within the boundaries of God’s grace and love.