I am not a fan of Asake’s genre of music, neither am I putting an endorsement on his life’s choices. Nonetheless, I can make sense of something that he wrote recently. When he had his first major breakthrough and was paid a huge amount of money, he told his then girlfriend how much he made. He also gave her two million naira out of it. The girlfriend was not impressed; she felt that was too little compared to what he had made.He discussed the matter with a colleague who suggested to him to cut ties with the lady. He later passed the same sum to his mother who used it to set up a provision store that has since blossomed.
Entitlement mentality will destroy precious relationships. It will make you lose a sense of appreciation.
It is only too common to come across people with entitlement mentality. Regardless of what you do, those with this attitude always think that they deserve more. Had Asake continued with her, she would have discovered that her attitude murdered truth. It is unlikely that he would discuss future earnings for fear of coming under pressure. Worse for her, she murdered the relationship. Entitlement mentality will destroy precious relationships. It will make you lose a sense of appreciation. Israel fell for this in the wilderness. They had access to food that they never laboured for, but they described it as a loathsome, light bread. They all perished in the wilderness. As long as you derive a benefit from individuals who have no contractual obligations towards you, be grateful.