Curiosity plays a major role in some people’s quest for the miraculous. They have heard of miracles and are wondering if there is any truth to what they are being told. Herod belonged to this category. ”Now when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceedingly glad; for he had desired for a long time to see Him, because he had heard many things about Him, and he hoped to see some miracle done by Him.“ Luke 23:8 NKJV. Others seek for miracles because there is no known way of man that can handle their situations. These people are desperate, and for good reason. From Bible accounts, it is this group of people that normally attracts God’s intervention. Miracle is the way God makes available when man has come to his wit’s end.
Miracle is the way God makes available when man has come to his wit’s end…God will never provide you the miracle that will absolve you of your legitimate responsibility.
Finally, there are those who want miracles so they can abandon the legitimate duties of life. The Samaritan woman in John 4 fits into this lot. The woman asked Jesus to give her His brand of water so that she would not thirst, neither have the need to come to the well again to draw. To begin with, the woman showed total ignorance of spiritual language. When Jesus spoke of water, it was not the typical water for everyday use that He had in mind. He meant the spiritual water that can satisfy the longing of each soul. What this woman wanted was any magic wand that would deliver her from rigour of drawing water for household use. In other words, she looked at miracle as one escape route from the responsibility of life. This might be hard to take, but God doesn’t have this kind of miracle. God will never provide you the miracle that will absolve you of your legitimate responsibility.