George Clooney once purchased 14 Tumi suitcases and filled them with $1 million each. He told 14 of his friends to mark their calendars for a dinner. On the day of the dinner, he presented them with a suitcase each! That was his way of thanking those who had helped him to become successful. Speaking graciously about his friends he said: “I’ve slept on their couches when I was broke. They loaned me money when I was broke. They helped me when I needed help over the years.” Several things come to light from Clooney’s gesture. Firstly, whatever we do today for others is a seed and the harvest is safely posted into the future. Perhaps Clooney’s friends did not know that he was going to have his level of breakthrough, much less surpass them. What they did for him in his struggles brought handsome rewards years later. Secondly, when the tide turns positive for us, we should remember those who made the sail possible from the beginning.
“Firstly, whatever we do today for others is a seed and the harvest is safely posted into the future…Secondly, when the tide turns positive for us, we should remember those who made the sail possible from the beginning.”
Putting a scriptural spin on this, we can refer to how Jesus related with His disciples. They went through tough training as well as equally tough assignments. At a point, Jesus promoted them to the level of friends. “No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15 NKJV). Whereas Clooney gave part of his wealth to his friends, Jesus gave His all to His disciples. In John 17:22 He said, “And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one:” No believer should settle for less, because Jesus has freely given us all things.