Genesis 5 is the first of many genealogy records that are preserved in the Bible. It revealed the long span of life that people of those ages enjoyed. We have Methuselah leading the pack at 969 years, closely followed by Jared who posted 962 years. Others who hit the 900-year mark and above were Adam, Seth, Cain and Enos, who posted 930, 912, 910, and 905 respectively. In that era, the man who posted the least was Enoch, who lived only for 365 years. Though he enjoyed the least number of years, two significant things were noted about him. It is on record that he walked with God. No one had such endorsement again in that chapter of the Bible. Secondly, Enoch did not suffer the fate of others who experienced physical death. God took him, an act that can be seen as foreshadowing the rapture.
“Enoch had a good life because God approved him…Life is not more than a fraction of eternity allotted to us to carry out a divine purpose on earth.”
This brings us to an important point in our meditation. It is often said in general parlance that, it is not how long but how well that matters. Enoch’s experience was an endorsement of this line of thought. Long is not synonymous with good! By all standards, Enoch had a good life because God approved him. Our main focus as believers should be how to walk worthy of the Lord. Once we check that parameter, we can be sure that God will grant us enough time on earth to finish our divine mandate. After all, life is not more than a fraction of eternity allotted to us to carry out a divine purpose on earth.