Jesus demonstrated both the means of expressing faith as well as its efficacy when He confronted the unfruitful fig tree. Bible account stated that He had come to the fig tree hoping to find some fruits to eat, but there was none. He proceeded to denounce the tree that no one would eat from it any longer. In less than 24 hours the tree had withered from the root. So rapid and total was the result that the disciples marvelled at what had happened to the tree. The Master assured the disciples that what He had just done was not exclusively reserved for Him. They also could do that and more, even to moving mountains by their words of faith. Faith, therefore, is a powerful spiritual bulldozer that can sweep away all obstacles.
“A life of obedience will put one on a fast-track to divine inheritance.”
However, note that as powerful as faith is, it is not a stand-alone subject. There are auxiliaries of faith, without which it will not produce. One of them is identified in our text, and it is obedience. Obedience is not just an auxiliary of faith, but in certain circumstances, it is actually the means we demonstrate our faith. Our text notes that it was by faith that Abraham obeyed God’s instruction to relocate to the land of promise. Take note also that obedience preceded inheritance. This is often the problem with many believers – they want to receive their inheritance before obeying the Lord. That is like putting the cart before the horse. A life of obedience will put one on a fast-track to divine inheritance.