Different things can create a memorial for people before God. Firstly, offering creates a memorial. In light of this the Psalmist prayed here: “May He remember all your offerings, And accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah” Psalms 20:3 NKJV. There is power in what we give to the Lord or His cause. Many speak disparagingly about offering these days because of economic difficulties, but don’t fall for it. Your offerings can turn things around for you. Secondly, our act of service creates a memorial. Mordecai’s service in saving the king’s life later became a memorial for him. The king asked what honour had been done for Mordecai before that time. The same day, Mordecai was paid in arrears both in cash and kind. We have no reason to doubt that God will do better than any earthly king when it comes to rewarding those who have served Him faithfully.
Different things can create a memorial for people before God. Firstly, offering creates a memorial… our act of service creates a memorial… Every time you pray, you create a memorial.
The third thing is what we have in our text – intercession. The Bible says that when God destroyed Sodom, He remembered Abraham. What did He remember him for? The intercession he made earlier. Here we have the proof that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. Abraham’s prayer was the reason that Lot and his family escaped the overthrow. Every time you pray, you create a memorial. You may never tell when or how the direct of effect of your efforts will manifest. So, keep at it.