Maternal instinct is one of the strongest instincts among humans. It is the innate knowledge and push to provide care and protection to an offspring. This instinct can get so strong and put a mother in harm’s way just to secure the child. We see this play out with Moses’ mother. Prior to his birth, the king had given an order to have every male child killed within the first few minutes of life. The reason for this murderous decree was simply because God had proven Himself faithful by multiplying the Israelites just as He promised. The king of Egypt became fearful of being beaten in the event of an outbreak of war. His pre-emptive strike was to decimate those who would constitute the future of Israel. But maternal affection in Moses’ case wouldn’t let things just take the stated course. Moses’ mother beat around the decree and succeeded to hide her child in the house for three months, until it became impracticable to do so.
When you have done what is within your capability and that is not enough, a believer can be rest assured that God will make up for the deficit.
Arthur L. Williams Jr. wrote a book several years ago and titled it, ALL YOU CAN DO IS ALL YOU CAN DO BUT ALL YOU CAN DO IS ENOUGH. This resonates with my philosophy of life to a great extent. In everything, l try to not leave room for blame. Apply all you have to any given issue, hoping for the best. Should the outcome be less than impressive, you will still be able to enjoy the peace of heart that you have done what you could. When you have done what is within your capability and that is not enough, a believer can be rest assured that God will make up for the deficit. When Moses’ mother came to her wits’ end, God moved in with His sovereignty to preserve the child who went on to be a mighty prophet and deliverer.