In our previous meditation, we learned that once we profess faith in Christ we become children of Abraham; and by this token we are potential beneficiaries of the blessing of the covenant. This raises a question: why are we potential beneficiaries and not actual possessors immediately? The fact remains that until we set out to do those things that Abraham did we cannot fully access his blessing. In our passage of scripture, Jesus challenged the Jews who were boastful of their ancestral connection to Abraham. He highlighted that the true claim to Abraham as a father is not by chanting it but by walking in his footsteps. To walk as he did is to be blessed like him.
The works of Abraham will form the focus of our meditation in the next couple of days. Let’s begin with the basic one – believing God. This may sound rather too simplistic; but when you examine the circumstances under which he believed God alongside our struggle in trusting God, his faith was commendable. Abraham was already an old man when God promised him a son. Paul would later refer to Abraham’s body as dead then, in addition to the equally dead womb of Sarah. These were two medical impossibilities. Believing in this kind of situation is not the easiest of things. Occasionally, we may find ourselves in dire situations; and we must believe God, taking Him at His word if we are going to see His blessing.