The World Health Organisation says more than 700,000 suicides occur every year. That comes to one person every 40 seconds! People take their lives for various reasons. However, apart from cases of mental ill-health, those who take their lives lost control of some aspects of life. I remember reading about a family thrown into mourning when their teenage son committed suicide. His father had corrected him for failing an exam, hoping that would make him sit up next time. Unfortunately the young man took that personally, went into his room and hung himself. This sad story serves as a pointer to several things. First, people are becoming increasingly averse to correction. Nobody seems to be ready to hear that they are wrong. Inability to accept correction is a sure way to destruction as in the case of this young man. This is why the author of the Book of Hebrews was quick to remind us not to despise the correction of the Lord, which is a sign that He loves us. A father only corrects a child because he is concerned about his future.
“First, people are becoming increasingly averse to correction. Nobody seems to be ready to hear that they are wrong. Inability to accept correction is a sure way to destruction as in the case of this young man.”
On another note, many people have not mastered the art of managing set-backs. That one does not reach his set goal at first call does not mean he will never reach it. Successful people will tell you that it was not the first stroke that brought them the breakthrough. Ability to stick to something for as long as necessary is the bottom line for success. The mistake of the young man was that he made that failure final; and that’s not how to fail. When you do fail in something, do a bit of research to determine the cause of your failure. Doing this would have taught you a vital lesson how not to do it another time. Besides, the experience gained from your previous attempt may be the wisdom someone else would need to avoid a blunder in the future.