Yesterday, we learned that guidance is crucial for a successful life, no matter our calling or vocation. We compared guidance to light, without which we will grope in the dark. Finally, we settled the fact that God’s word is light. Out present focus is to show the way to access this light. David was in exile among the Philistines when Saul and his three sons died as Samuel predicted. The unusual man that we find in David made him mourn not only the death of Jonathan his covenant friend but also of his fiercest enemy, Saul. He had fled the land of Israel in the closing years of Saul’s reign as a pragmatic step for his own security. Expectedly, his natural inclination was to return to his fatherland; however, that was not enough reason for action. He turned his inclination to prayer.
Finally, we settled the fact that God’s word is light…Here then is the way to access God’s guidance – prayer. Even when you seem to have a hunch, still pray for clarity.
Here then is the way to access God’s guidance – prayer. Even when you seem to have a hunch, still pray for clarity. When David asked the Lord if he was to return to any of the cities of Judah, we figure out he already had it as a hunch. However, he knew that to wish is one thing; to be in God’s will could be a different thing altogether. When he subjected the issue to prayer, inclination became inspiration – something that God wanted him to do. Even at that, he went further to ask for the specific city in Judah where God wanted him to go. Going where He leads is the key to having everything in order. It was when David settled in Hebron as indicated by God that the men of Judah came there to anoint him as king. God’s best is always kept for us at God’s appointed place.