In August 2006, the Port Harcourt International Airport, Omagwa, was shut down for some major works. Flights were diverted to neighbouring cities, particularly Owerri. All auxiliary businesses at the airport were shut down as well, since there were no more passengers. On one of the trips that I made through Imo Airport, I saw a man who used to sell newspapers and books as well as manage the VIP lounge at Omagwa. He moved his wares to Owerri. His ability to respond to situations beyond his control helped him to stay afloat. Omagwa did not re-open until December 2007. Without that move, he would have had no business to tend.
“Adaptability is one of the several important skills for survival. It helps you respond quickly to developments around you. It helps minimize risks and take advantage of opportunities.”
Adaptability is one of the several important skills for survival. It helps you respond quickly to developments around you. It helps minimize risks and take advantage of opportunities. We can find a biblical parallel to this in the parable of the prodigal son. We can blame the wayward son for all we care but we cannot take away from him his adaptability skills. After he lost his fortune, he adapted by joining a pig farmer. With life becoming more difficult, he adjusted and went home to his father, willing to work as a servant. A little while later, he was fully restored. It is foolishness to cast our ways in concrete and never adapt even when new light emerges.