A dictionary defines ego as ‘the “I” or self-esteem of any person.” It is from this word we derive the word egotism which is defined as conceit or self-importance. The prevailing culture, driven by social media and motivational talks, constantly fans the flames of our egos. We are taught that the more we are assertive in words and deeds the greater our chances at success. Ryan Holiday argues to the contrary. In his book, EGO IS THE ENEMY, he argues that our ego creates our biases; and these keep us from becoming the best. On the spiritual side of things, our ego can actually prevent us from relying on God without whom nothing is possible. I listened to one of Jack Graham’s radio program where he gave an insightful definition of ego. He said ego is Edging God Out! To edge God out is to send a subtle message that we can handle things by ourselves. Such presumption is the reason why many people are in a quagmire today.
Both in the Old and New Testaments, we are enjoined to lean heavily on the Lord for all things. Not only that, but we must equally make certain that those who play critical role in our vision have God on their side as well. This is the big lesson to go with today. In the passage for meditation we see how the king of Judah wanted to go on a campaign. He solicited the help of the king of Israel to boost his forces. The prophet told the king of Judah to dismiss Israel because the Lord was not with them. Had the king of Judah been adamant to go on as planned, that would also have been an ego trip of some sort, with disastrous consequences. Submitting our ego under the leadership of the Holy Spirit is not only vital for success in our ventures, it is also where our safety lies.