Psalm 90, which is attributed to Moses, contains a very important prayer in verse 12 – “So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom”. The prayer portrays the brevity of life, and the need to make hay while the sun shines. This is a prayer that ought to be made by everyone who desires to live a life of impact and bequeath to the world a noble legacy. In addition to this, we ought to pray for an understanding of the times and wisdom to respond to each season appropriately. Times and seasons are not always the same. Making the right move at the wrong time can be counterproductive.
“Making the right move at the wrong time can be counterproductive.”
In our text, God instructed the prophet Elijah to hide by the Brook, Cherith. Was that cowardice? No, it was wisdom and a sensible move to the reality of the time. Elijah had just called for a drought which would last for three and a half years. That would put his life at risk as the famine loomed large. So he needed to do the needful. John was in the wilderness until the day of his showing to Israel. Even Jesus applied wisdom by staying away from the public at some point. “Then, from that day on, they plotted to put Him to death. Therefore Jesus no longer walked openly among the Jews, but went from there into the country near the wilderness, to a city called Ephraim, and there remained with His disciples.” (