As a teenager, Joseph had two fantastic dreams of himself. They both gave a clue of
what his future would be like. Both dreams established him in a position of power and
authority. However, they would not play out immediately. It would take another thirteen
years before he would become the governor of Egypt. In the interim, he was busy
helping others to find meaning in their dreams. Firstly, he interpreted the dream of the
butler. Secondly, he interpreted the dream of the baker. Finally, he interpreted
Pharaoh’s dream. From there his own dream of many years also found fulfillment.
“Sowing into the well-being of others qualifies you to have a harvest of goodwill.”
It was Zig Ziglar of blessed memory who said, “You can have everything in life you
want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” Joseph was a perfect
illustration of this statement. He did not mind that his own dream was looking distant, he
kept helping other people with no strings attached. For your dream to come to pass, you
have to look beyond yourself. Learn to sow into the dreams of others, giving helping
hands the best way you can to see their desires come to pass. Doing this will activate a
fundamental law in the universe – sowing and reaping. Sowing into the well-being of
others qualifies you to have a harvest of goodwill. Finally, let us be reminded of what
another gospel sage said. Mike Murdock said, “What you make happen for others, God
will make happen for you”.