Whenever I teach Hermeneutics and Homiletics at our Bible School, an interesting aspect of the course is establishing the fact that the Bible is indeed the word of God. One of the proofs can be drawn from our text – the authority of the Bible. Without any rigmarole, the first verse of the Bible tells us the origin of all things – God. There was no need for complex theories the way science would, we are simply told that God is the source of all things, visible and invisible. That was all that God made known to us and that is enough.
Knowing Him means having eternal life! It is having the joy of salvation for the present time and hope of eternal bliss later. We owe Him our worship.
The text is also helpful in determining the authentic God. As humanity evolved, man’s quest to connect with a higher being increased. This has led to a multiplicity of gods and religions. Amidst the cacophony of many religions and self-acclaimed gods, how do we know which one is genuine? Combining our text with a verse in Jeremiah will be helpful. Jeremiah 10:11 says, “Thus you shall say to them: “The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from under these heavens.”” The one that has the bragging right over creation is the true God. All other gods who cannot make anything are pretenders. The God of the Bible is the authentic God. We call Him the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We know Him as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. So if you are in Christ, you are not in an empty religion, you are into the God of the universe. Knowing Him means having eternal life! It is having the joy of salvation for the present time and hope of eternal bliss later. We owe Him our worship.