Environments are powerful in molding people’s character. Expectedly, a morally sound
environment should produce morally sound characters. On the other hand, an
environment stuffed with bad actors should ruin good morals. However, some people
managed to beat the odds. We know people who were raised in godly environments
who became perverse, and those raised in ungodly environments developing godly
characters. It is in man to raise himself beyond the dictates of his environment.
“When you find yourself in a compromising environment, look up to God to still shine forth the light of the gospel.”
Abijah was raised by an ungodly father and king, Jeroboam, who dishonoured God by
diverting the hearts of the people of Israel from true worship to idols. He set up gods in
Dan and Beersheba to keep the people away from going to Jerusalem for the appointed
feasts. He was the progenitor of the religion of convenience. That drew the anger of
God. God promised that He was going to destroy his lineage. They would die in
ignominy and have no burial. However, there was one exception – Abijah would have a
decent burial. The reason for this is captured in our text – God found something good in
him towards the Lord. In the midst of thick darkness, Abijah’s little light did not escape
the notice of God. When you find yourself in a compromising environment, look up to
God to still shine forth the light of the gospel.