Since September 11, 2001, the world has witnessed increasing terrorist attacks. A particular modus operandi of the terrorists is to locate soft targets where they can inflict maximum damage with each strike. Soft targets are persons, things, or locations that are easily accessible and with little or no protection. It is safe to say that this stratagem has its root in the devil. What we have in our text was an illustration of this truth. Why did the devil go after the woman in the garden? She was the soft target in that instance. Ironically, the man became a soft target in the hand of his wife just as she had been to the devil.
Anyone who wants to overcome the devil must study their environment and locate what could be soft targets in their lives. Once you locate possible soft targets in your life, begin to fortify them.
On two different occasions, the adversaries used the soft target approach to gain entry into Samson’s life. His first marriage proposal saw him throwing up a riddle. For seven days, no one at the party could get the meaning of it. They later threatened his spouse to apply pressure on him to get the secret. Samson divulged it to her and later commented: “If you had not plowed with my heifer, You would not have solved my riddle!”” (Judges 14:18 NKJV). Then came his relationship with Delilah. The five lords of the Philistines charged her to entice her husband to reveal the secret of his power. After repeated attempts, Samson buckled under pressure as he divulged all to her, and she to them. All the examples cited here are in the context of marriage, and women were the soft targets. However, a man may as well be a soft target that the enemy could employ to get at a woman. For the larger family, a child could be the soft target. Parents might be a soft target to get at a child. Anyone who wants to overcome the devil must study their environment and locate what could be soft targets in their lives. Once you locate possible soft targets in your life, begin to fortify them.