Trust is the second thing that should constitute the routine of all believers. John H. Sammis captures the essence of complete trust in his famous hymn, TRUST AND OBEY. Here is the first stanza: “When we walk with the Lord/in the light of his word/what a glory he sheds on our way!/While we do his good will/he abides with us still/and with all who will trust and obey.” As John Sammis noted and witnessed by the testimony of many down the ages, the way to rest and happiness is unwavering trust in the Lord.
Trust is the second thing that should constitute the routine of all believers… When we trust the Lord with all our hearts, there is no occasion for shame or stumbling.
A good example of trust in recent history is that of Lester Sumrall. It took a while before he agreed to preach the gospel; but once he made up his mind there was no turning back. Shortly after he said “yes” to the Lord, some people tried to frighten him away from the call. They averred that giving himself to the gospel was a sure way to starve. Undeterred, Lester was said to have countered them if he died of hunger, he would only require a thing from them. They should write on his tomb, “HERE LIES LESTER SUMRALL WHO STARVED TO DEATH TRUSTING JESUS “. It is assuring that he did not starve to death; rather he saved many from starvation. In his lifetime, he built a radio station, set up a university, bought a Hercules plane to haul relief materials to different parts of the world. When we trust the Lord with all our hearts, there is no occasion for shame or stumbling.