The book of Deuteronomy can be said to have dual purposes. Firstly, it was a summary of Moses stewardship as the leader of Israel. Most of the laws and ordinances of God were reiterated in this book. It can also be seen as Moses’ handover note to his soon-to-emerge successor. It was intended to provide a roadmap for the people of God as they embarked on their journey to the Promised Land. The text before us today shows Moses stating the enviable position that Israel occupied in the economy of God. No nation enjoyed that closeness to God like Israel did. Of particular interest for us here is the averment of Moses that God responded to them in all matters for which they called Him. This gives us an idea of what prayer means. In real sense, prayer is a formal invitation that we extend to God to participate in our lives or ventures.
“On the other hand, if we agree with the words of Jesus and don’t pray for everything, it would be carelessness. Prayer is the stirring rod of a believer!”
There are general blessings that flow to all of humanity out of God’s grace and mercy. This is the reason the sun shines and rain falls on the lot of the wicked. However, when it comes to specifics, we are required to call on God for them. It was John Wesley who said, “God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.” Without mincing words, Jesus stated that without Him we can do nothing. To argue otherwise is to be delusional in our thinking; as delusional as Israel was when they thought they could take on Ai without God’s leadership. On the other hand, if we agree with the words of Jesus and don’t pray for everything, it would be carelessness. Prayer is the stirring rod of a believer!