I know a minister of the gospel with appreciable interest in business as well. Before he became a pastor he was faithfully attending a church. His pastor made a call for money to fund some outreach initiatives, but to his surprise, people did not respond. Where he sat, he began to pray under his breath. He promised that if God would prosper him his resources would be devoted to the kingdom. God asked him to begin with what he had at hand. He promptly complied. Not long after that vow and initial baby step to give, he enjoyed business open doors that turned things around. Today, he has flourishing businesses and many missionaries are on his payroll.
David, who undoubtedly demonstrated incomparable zeal to the things of God, points to another rung in the ladder of prosperity. It is affection for the city of God – Jerusalem. He said that those who love Jerusalem will prosper. For our purpose, Jerusalem will have expanded meaning to cover the kingdom of God generally. Seeking the welfare of the things of God will put you on the expressway to blessing. Jesus said this much in the closing stages of His sermon on the Mount. Warning against the unprofitable tendency of man to fret and be anxious, He counselled instead that they should first seek the kingdom of God, and that will open the door to all other things. It is incontestable, those who put God on their priority list will occupy God’s priority list as well. The selfish nature of man seeks to be served first, but it is highly rewarding if that tendency is conquered and God becomes number one in all our considerations.