I read an account long ago from one of the books of V. W. Grant. It was about a believer who received an instruction from the Lord to buy a particular parcel of land. On the surface, there was nothing admirable about the land that could make it a prospect. Worse still, he had no money to close the deal. However, the Lord kept urging him to buy the land. Finally, he obeyed the voice of the Lord. He raised money and closed the deal. Time passed, and he was working his machine on that land when he saw something sparkle in the distance. He picked it and took it to the metallurgical department for analysis. It happened to be a precious gem that the government had been looking for. That was how he made his fortune.
There is prosperity by instruction; and there is blessing in obeying the Lord. Our text captures part of David’s admonition to his son and successor just before he died. He counselled him to walk in the ways of the Lord and keep His statutes, commandments, judgments and testimonies as written in the Law. The effect of that would be prosperity “in all that you do and wherever you turn”. Whereas we are prone to thinking that prosperity is possible only in certain places, God’s word is giving the assurance that it is possible wherever you turn. Just make sure that where you turn to is also at the instance of the Lord. Whenever believers disobey the Lord, they delay their match towards the glorious future that God has in store for them. Obedience to all the revealed will of God is fast-tracking oneself in the journey of life.