Our previous meditation showed the secret of growth; that is, to get out of your comfort zones. It is worth adding that those who are desirous of growth must be ready to confront mountains. That won’t be a comfortable thing either. Metaphorically, mountains depict problems, and they could be quite many. Notwithstanding, God does not want His children to be overwhelmed by the problems of life. To begin with, God believes in us that we can handle whatever challenge life might throw at us. As far as God is concerned, it will be a matter of neglected grace if we let mountains defeat us. Of course, every time we bow to mountains our self-esteem takes a beating.
The ideal response to issues of life is to strengthen our faith muscles when those challenges come. Jesus demonstrated this before His disciples. He cursed a fig tree which withered from the root. It was not until the following morning that the disciples saw the effects of the words of Jesus on that tree. They were surprised, but Jesus did not expect anything less. He then gave them the assurance that even the mountains will move in response to words of faith. We are to trade with the same assurance of faith. With God on our side, we can deal with any mountain. And it is good news to read from His word that He will never leave nor forsake us.