There are various categories of sin. First is sin through ignorance. God made copious provisions for this in Leviticus. (See Leviticus 4:2,13,22,27 and 5:15). Next is sin through the infirmities of the flesh. Of this type, Jesus warned the sleeping disciples. He mandated them to pray but they slept off. When He returned, He charged them again to pray so they don’t enter into temptation. He reminded them that though the spirit is willing to do what is right, the flesh is weak. Obviously, they did not realize the importance of His admonition as they fell back to sleep. They all fell in the hour of temptation.
“The third category is presumptuous sin. This is a sin done defiantly. It is knowing that something is wrong, having the power to not do it, but going ahead to do it.”
The third category is presumptuous sin. This is a sin done defiantly. It is knowing that something is wrong, having the power to not do it, but going ahead to do it. It is shrugging the shoulder and saying, “And so what? I will do it nonetheless; come what may”. For this category of sin, there is no remedy but certain destruction. “‘But the person who does anything presumptuously, whether he is native-born or a stranger, that one brings reproach on the LORD, and he shall be cut off from among his people.” (Numbers 15:30 NKJV). David knew that committing presumptuous sin will be crossing the Rubicon; so he pleaded that God would keep him out of it. This is a prayer that all well-meaning seekers of God must pray.